Hello everybody. :D. Wow. I seem to be posting a lot of these types of posts. LOL. I guess I have a lot of random thoughts? :p. I hope you enjoy these types of posts. Haha. :p. 
Oi. Don't you just strongly dislike it when you're thinking of an idea, but someone else does the idea first and you can't use it because it would seem like you copied him/ her? -_-. Also, don't you just dislike it when you're thinking of a design, but someone else comes up with a design first, and it makes your idea seem like a potato. .-.  These situations really annoy me. I really don't like copying others. (I only do so as a last resort or if it's just something minor, like copying notes or something.). Sigh. It's like:

Playing Mario in first person would actually be pretty epic. o_o. (By "first person", I mean like you're facing everything through Mario's eyes, not viewing everything, including Mario, in third person. :p.). Especially in 3D graphics. o_o. Look at this video below. Props to Frediew for creating this video. Awesome video. c:. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it at all if a few new Mario games were played as first person instead of third person. :p. It gives it a new awesome feeling. c:. What do you think? Feel free to tell me your thoughts by commenting in the Comments section below. :p. 
Personally, I believe projects are a waste of time. Well, for the most part, that is. I feel like teachers just give them to make our lives harder. (Loljkjk.). To me, I don't learn anything new when I do projects. (For most projects, that is.). I feel like they just waste my time. And that I have to do a good job on them to receive a good grade. :/. On the other hand, I feel worksheets on lessons are effective. (Depends on the situation though.). At least, more effective than projects. I understand that some teachers use projects as part of their teaching style, but I don't think projects are effective in helping students learn new material, based on my experiences. :x. Either that, or I just don't really like projects. Lool. 
Omgeeeee. Do you see the "description" for the picture? :D. It shows this website! :D. *fanqurl scream.*. Loool. This website is now famous! Loljkjk. :p. 
More chicken wings. :).
Post-It notes are awesome. Like seriously. So, recently I bought a pack of Post-It stick notes. And I've been using them like crazy. o_o. Usually, whenever I have a thought, I would just try to keep it in my mind. However, 99% of the times, I would forget about it. So, a solution to my problem was to write down the thoughts on Post-It notes. And so far, they've been working. c:. The thoughts include ideas for new blog posts too. :p. So ye. I think Post-It notes are very convenient and awesome. :D. Props to whoever created them. :p. 
You know. To be quite frank, I never know what to put in a holiday post. o_o. Like "Happy Presidents' Day of 2013." Lool. Usually, I just post facts about the holiday and why it was established. o_o. Half of the times, I just wing the posts. Lolwings. :p. If you want to see certain things in certain holiday posts, let me know by commenting in the Comments section below! :D. I'm taking suggestions. :p. 
Okay. So whenever I'm walking alone, I always wonder where I'm supposed to look. Am I supposed to look in front of me or down on the ground? o_o. Sometimes, when I'm looking in front of me, I make awkward eye contact with strangers. I don't know how to describe it. But it's just... awkward. .-. (I don't have anything against strangers, but it's just awkward.). So, most of the times, I just stare at the ground while walking. o_o. 
Oi. It really sucks how more than 50% of a chip bag is air. -_-. Like seriously. Whenever I open a bag of chips, I always find it annoying that the amount of chips is so little. .-. Chip companies should make it 90% chips and 10% air, at the very least. The way they're doing it is like selling a half-empty milk jug. Would we buy half-empty milk jugs for the price of a full one? Probably not. So, the chips companies owe us more chips in a bag and less air in it or cheaper chip bags. (Including both those options would be awesome. c:.). 
Also, today is Nicloaus Copernicus's 540th birthday. :D. Happy Birthday, Nicolaus! He was a Polish Renaissance astronomer and arithmetician who created a model of our solar system. He theorized that our solar system was heliocentric (meaning, all the planets were circling the Sun), rather than geocentric (meaning, all things were circling Earth). In the end, he was correct. :D. Yayy. Loool.  
Welcome to yet another "Random Thoughts" post. :D. I think I'll be posting these types of posts because I have random thoughts very often. Haha. :p. Hope you enjoy these posts. :). For the title, do you think I should date the post to differentiate between the posts? o_o. Or just keep it "Random Thoughts", since the date is already included within the post. :x. Or maybe I should give each post a special name? o_o. (But that would be very difficult because there is no single main idea for each "Random Thoughts" post. :x.). Feel free to tell me your thoughts by commenting in the Comments section below! :D.
Let's start this post off with the topic of basketball. :D. To me, playing basketball is similar to catching a Pokemon. (Strange, right? o_o. Well, Pokemon was a big part of my childhood, so yeah. :x.). So like on Friday, I was playing a game of basketball. And I was bored, so I shot from the half-court line. The basketball literally went in and then came out. The basket trolled me so hard. ;_;. And so, it reminded me of catching a Pokemon. Here's why. (It's easier to understand if you've played Pokemon before. :p.). It was like one of those moments where you throw a Pokeball and it starts shaking left and right. It's about to shake one more time to signify that the Pokemon is caught, but the Pokemon comes out and escapes! (Or something like that. :P.). So yeah. Lool.
Have any of you guys and qurls out there played Angry Birds before? If you have: Have you ever noticed the awkward pause/ moments of time before you finish a level? o_o. Like, that happens very often for me. (And no, it's not lag.). And it makes me feel like I'm not finished with the level. Loool. Strange feeling. :p. 
Back pockets. To me, back pockets don't make much sense to me. It isn't sensible to be placing valuable items in back pockets because you can easily squash them when you sit down. Often times, big items, such as phones, fall out of back pockets when you stand up after sitting down for a while. o_o. So, it makes me wonder why back pockets are there. Sure, you can place random pieces of papers or whatnot in there. But still. o_o. 
Also, I don't understand why people put their phones inside their back pockets. Like, don't they sit on their phones when they sit down like that? o_o. Couldn't that potentially harm their phone(s)? o_o. I've never understood that. ._.
Quick. What do you call a day after a holiday? o_o. Wait. Is there even a name for those types of days? Loool. 
Anyways, happy belated Valentine's Day. :D.
(I think I'm going to make these types of posts a new kind of series or something. :p. Since, I do have random thoughts very often and don't know where to place them in posts. Lool. Usually, I just add them at the end of a post or something. :p.). 
I think I need an introduction, since this is the first post of its kind. :p. Haii everyone. :D. These kinds of posts will be a new series of posts called "Random Thoughts" .o_o. (Can't tell if that sentences made sense or not... :x.). Basically, their titles pretty much explain what the posts are going to include. o_o. Lool. Yay for self-explanatory stuffies? :p. Happening very often, I have random thoughts and I want to post them somewhere. But I don't know where to put them, so I  stuff them onto the ends of posts. o_o. However, now, I'm giving them their own types of posts. So yeah. I hope you'll enjoy these kinds of posts. :). Just one warning: They're very random. :p. 
NINJA POTATO! o_o. (Told you that these types of posts will be very random. :p.). 
Okay. So like, I was reading my science textbook yesterday to "study". (However, 99% of what I read didn't stay in my mind. e_e.). And then I came across this very intriguing paragraph. o_o. Here, read it: 
"For example, when Earth's gravity pulls on an object, you cannot detect the equal and opposite reaction of Earth. Suppose you drop your pencil. Gravity pulls the pencil downward. At the same time, the pencil pulls Earth upward with an equal and opposite reaction force. You don't see Earth accelerate toward the pencil because Earth's inertia is so great that its acceleration is too small to notice." ~ Pearson Education Inc. Book. o_o.
Basically, it's saying that the Earth slightly (really really really slightly) moves toward a dropped pencil because of action-reaction force pairs. o_o. However, the change is so small that it's not noticeable. My thoughts? Challenge accepted. Looool. What if we all dropped multiple pencils/ objects  Would it be possible to overcome Earth's inertia and potentially move the Earth toward our dropped objects? o_o. Think about it. That would be pretty awesome. :p.
↑ This can be a powerful weapon... Be mindful of when you drop one... You know now the dangers of dropping pencils. o_o. 
"With great power, comes great responsibility." ~ Voltaire.